
Accessibility Advisory Committee

The accessibility mission of 不良研究所 includes the following:

  • Conduct ongoing review and update of 不良研究所 policies, procedures and practices to achieve sustained compliance with Bill 125; an Act to improve the identification, removal and prevention of barriers faced by person with disabilities and all other related policies, directives and/or legislation.
  • Conduct ongoing review and update of 不良研究所 policies, procedures and practices to achieve sustained compliance with Bill 118; an Act respecting the development, implementation and enforcement of standards relating to accessibility with respect to goods, services, facilities, employment, accommodation, buildings and all other things specified in the Act for persons with disabilities.
  • Maintain and create a physical and technological barrier-free campus within the limits of available financial resources.
  • Provide adequate information, awareness and training to foster a supportive and inclusive environment, and work towards removing any attitudinal barriers.
  • Continue to make reasonable accommodation for the particular needs of self-identified persons with documented disabilities, as per the Ontario Human Rights Code.
  • To provide for the involvement of people with disabilities in the identification, removal, and prevention of barriers in order to enhance their full participation in daily tasks
  • Monitor its admission policies to ensure that self-identified students with disabilities are accommodated for admission to programs for which they are academically qualified.
  • Continue to monitor program course load, examination procedures, and other academic requirements to permit self-identified students with disabilities to complete their program of study.
  • Explore avenues for new funding as well as utilize existing funds to increase assistive technology and/or computer software/hardware technology for students with disabilities, i.e. Capital Equipment and Renewal Fund.
  • Explore funding sources that may become available to assist 不良研究所 with the costs associated in the removal and prevention of barriers to all persons with disabilities.
  • To ensure materials and information is available upon request in alternate format